Wednesday 10 July 2013

The Onewkawa Pools, Survival Swimming

 "Finally we are here!!" I said to Ally as we were hopping out of the car and getting our belongings. We walked into the changing room and put on our togs. Everyone was so excited to start all the activities and games.  First of all we met the four ladies who were going to be teaching us, their names where, Karen, Chi, Jill and Tracey.  Miss Taylor went and put us, (Room 3) into groups of six. In my group there were Max, Lily, Melika, Maddy, Ollie, Ava and Me (Dune).

The lady that our group  started off with was Karen.S he was teaching us about treading water with buckets, milk bottles, a plastic bags, rubbish bags and other equipment. Like when you have a fallen off a boat and you are in the water for a long time and you have to try float and keep your head out of the water. When you have fallen off a boat and you  have l a bucket you could use that to help you float.

Next was Chi and she was teaching us about Non-Contact. Non-Contact is when you don't touch a person in the water when you are trying to help him\her because she\he might have an injury. Next was Tracey and she taught us a bout Contact it was like what Chi was teaching us but just Contact.

Finally last of all Jill, Jill was my favourite Jill taught us about life jackets and how to keep warm. Jill said that you can say no to parents twice around water and my favourite saying she said was "Don't be a clown wear a life jacket".