Wednesday 28 August 2013


Chess is going great in room 3. Last Friday 23rd August we went to the Hawke's Bay Chess tournament. First we took a long drive to get there. Once we were there we started getting ready for the chess tournament. First we found our team members. After that Miss Taylor went over the rules and we started our first game of Chess.
Our first game was a Bye so we all got one point each. The next game was different and I had my first game against the hardest boy at Hereworth,  and unfortunately I lost.  Towards the end of the game he got me in a pin with my king and castle so I lost my only piece apart from my king.
The next person I faced was from Hereworth. He was a lot easier than the last person and I got him in check mate in about 25 moves. The check mate was with my two bishops and a queen causing checkmate.
Throughout all the games I won all except one . I think every one should play Chess because its fun and the most popular board game in the world
The teams in the primary section


  1. Chess is a bit fun to play and you are really good at it your post is really good for your first one on our blog.LUCIA

  2. I can even see you in the picture. LUCIA

  3. Great Blog Oliver I loved Reading it.

  4. Another interesting piece of writing- if only you'd taken this much interest when writing our travel blog !.................
    Caroline A
