Monday 5 August 2013

The NYLD 2013

Young Leaders' Conference

Are we there yet are we?” I said excitedly. “Almost” said the driver. Nicola, Charlie, Nick, Josh and I get out of the car and after three hours of driving to Rotorua we were finally at the Kuirau Park Motel. The boys room was upstairs. When we went in there was a big fight over who gets the two single beds but then I ended up getting the double bed in the other room.  

The next morning we were told to go make our lunches so we went to the girls' room and there was so much home baking.  After we had made our bread rolls and stuffed our bags with baking until they would explode we headed off to the car for the next adventure to the Energy Events Center.

When we got there we waited around for a while then we went inside and got the best seats in the grand stand, right in the middle. Some of the speakers names were Billy Graham, Pio Terei, Ants from Prestige Hip Hop group, Cam Calkoen and one other . The most inspiring was Cam Calkoen. He talked about how when he was little he signed up for the athletics 100 m race and when he did it he was nervous and people started to cheer for him and he had thought no one would cheer for him and it made him feel really good. He also said you can do anything you believe you can. I thought the conference was a great experience and we learnt lots about being a good leader. I hope next years school leaders and house leaders have a really great time at the conference.