Tuesday 3 September 2013


It was the last five minutes of the game and we were losing 2-3.Vrooom the ball was sliding across the wet field straight at me. I caught the ball skilfully on my stick and raced up the field, the defenders ready for action. Left- right- left right- pass I ran up the field till I was right next to the goal, when the ball was coming at me again.  Pulling to the side I distracted the goalie then smacked the ball into the goal. 1 more point, 2 and a half more minutes. The whistle went. I immediately started running down the field slipping on the wet grass every now and again. The defenders were up again this time they had a look of determination in their eyes. I kept running at full pace and skipped past them. Then there was the goal, the final shot. Again and without hesitation I shot the ball into the goal. The time was up and we just won. I can’t wait till the next game of hockey.

                                                                              Oliver Wright.


  1. Very describing it was also interesting. James

  2. Nice one Ollie. It was very exciting to watch.


  3. Oliver this is great piece of descriptive writing. I am very impressed. Keep up the good work.

