Monday 23 September 2013

My First basketball Game

Napier Central School’s basketball games are held at Centennial Hall on Wednesdays after school, for half an hour. There are 3 thirds in a basketball game and each lasts 10 minutes. In basketball we play with a bright coloured orange ball and 5 people play on a court at a time. At school we have got 11 teams from Y1’s-Y6’s and Miss Ferguson is in charge of basketball.
In my team there are 6 people named… Mamie, Lily M, Amelia, Kayra, Jessica and me (Dune) and our coach is called Paul, who is Lily’s Dad.
In basketball the aim is to dribble the ball to the hoop and try to shoot into the goal. You can pass to other players in your team. If the other team has the ball your aim is to hit the ball out of your partner’s hand, if you have the same coloured band. “Defence” is a word that you need to use all the time.
I really enjoy basketball and I want to keep playing to be really good and to move up to a better team.

By Dune

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