Wednesday 16 October 2013

Raewyn Harris

As soon as Raewyn walked in the class room, everyone ,looked at each other and said "wow she's here"
We all immediately sat on the mat and were so excited. She showed us some of her art in picture frames and also on her iPad. She also does really nice landscapes too.
We got 10 minutes to plan our art and design it. 

This is my plan!

Next we had to vivid the back ground either with a thick vivid or a Sharpie. It's easier with a Sharpie when you have heaps of detail.
After that we had to choose up to 4 colours that go together well from the colour wheel.
Colour Wheel!

  Now blend them together well, with colours that work well and do the the finishing touches and your DONE!!          
This is my finishing Result!

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