Thursday 17 October 2013

What I am looking forward to and my term 4 goals

This term I am looking forward to:
The production because I have a part in it and I hope all my  practice will pay off. I am also looking forward Opti-Yachting because all the year sixes last year said it was really fun. I am also looking forward to the year six dance ,volley ball and athletics but it is really sad it is my last term at this school. Next year I am going to Napier intermediate and that will be really fun but I will still miss my primary school very much.

My term four goals I want to achieve are:
1.Get from burner 32-38 by the end of the term.
2.Do an 800 m run for athletics and not get tired.
3.Be a very good actor in the production.


1 comment:

  1. Olivia, I can't believe you only have just over 1 week of Napier Central School left. 2014 will hold so many opportunities and challenges for you but I know you will embrace them and give it your all. It's going to be sad saying goodbye to all that you know at Napier Central School but exciting starting at Napier Intermediate. Mum
