Monday 8 April 2013

Camp 2013

Hi I am Wilfred and this year in 2013 I went to Stony Creek Camp with room 1 and the rest of my class. (room 3). The people who worked there and helped us were mark, Jools and Jeff. And we did many things such as a ginormous flying fox, shooting and archery, low ropes (they are a series of ropes and things which you climb on) but the best the best of all was... The motor bikes!!! Yip they were amazingly fun and Jeff took care of them and supervised us.  On the track there there were dips and bumps which were really fun but I only got to go on gear one.  We got to do 5 laps each lots of times but I forgot how much any way I over took one of my team mates twice. It was the most fun thing I've done in ages.

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