Monday 8 April 2013

Term 1 highlights.

Vrooooom vrooooom ! At Stoney Creek Ranch we went on the mini motor bikes and they were AWESOME. I ran out of gear a few times and that was annoying. The mini motor bikes went on a mini track to go with the mini motor bikes and it had little dips.
In the morning we had to wake up at about 5 to 7 to do jump jam and then a long run uuuuuggggghhhh!.
My favourite thing was the commando course because we got to do it three legged and I did it with Ava and we worked really well together.We also did a thing where you have to get your whole team from one box to another and if you get your whole team across you have to get your team back and that was tricky.
      We also went on clown bikes they were TINY.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We did alot of other things but they were all fun.


  1. You're post is very true. :) Lucia

  2. I liked the clown bikes 2! emily b:)

  3. Camp was fun. I really enjoyed it too and am glad I could come
