Tuesday 9 April 2013

Term 1 - my first post

Hi I'm Ella and this is my first post in 2013. In room 3 our teacher is called Ms Taylor and our Friday teacher is Mrs Perry. In room 3 we just finished a book called Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. The book Hatchet is about a boy called Brian going to see his dad from New York. When he goes in the plane the driver has a heart attack and dies then the plane crash lands in the Canadian wilderness and he has to survive the hard way. I would rate the book Triple gold star and 10/10.

 In room 3 we also went to camp with room 1 and that was very fun. My favourite thing to go on was the Mini Motorbikes. I loved going as fast as we could but for some reason when we were supposed to be on gear 1 my foot accidentally flipped up to gear 2 without me noticing. I started going as fast as I could then fell off the Mini Motorbikes, then the Mini Motorbike fell on me.
In my cabin group I had Emily T, Madeline, Ava B, Anya , Bryony ,Ava O, Millie, Lucia and me.
In my Camp group I had Olivia M, Stella G, Madeline, Mikaera, Soul and me. Here are some photos. I was also a  Jump Jam Leader and I'm in the black top.


  1. School camp sounds like it was lots of fun. It must have been challenging, but great, to be a jump jam leader. Having that experience of putting yourself in front of a crowd will help you with your auditions for the school production. Well done and good luck!

  2. Awesome! i can even see you in the picture but im not saying where i think i can see my self too! You are a really good describer. LUCIA X_X
