Sunday 16 June 2013

BP Technology

Each year Mrs Bauerfeind chooses some children to compete in the BP Technology challenge and I got chosen. We meet every Friday in the hall at 1:40.
For the first activity we had to make a stand. Mine wasn't that high. For the second activity we had to make an aircraft. We weren't allowed to use a normal paper dart so I used my straws to make my wings and for our third one that we have to make, we had to make a roller coaster. Mine was successful only next time I'm going to make mine longer. The roller coaster is probably one of the hardest things that we have had to make.
Now we have to make something that's a bit like a fishing rod. It has to reach over a string that's 1.5 metres high. Once it get's over it has to hook onto a bottle that is 1/3 full of rice. The least time wins but if  the string on your rod touches the string wall, 20 seconds will be added on to your score. This challenge will definitely  be the hardest.

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