Sunday 16 June 2013

The Faraday Centre

Last week room 3 walked down to the Faraday Centre. When we got there we did some interesting forces activities like this marble drop and you have to see if the go straight down or diagonally and it ended up being diagonally down. After that  we moved into the middle room were there was a  Wind Machine that blows over 100 km per hour  - it was awesome. Everyone's hair went crazy and it was so funny. 

Then we went into another room where there were lots of old machines. There was an old washing machine that you had to move a lever round and round to make it work. There was also a sultana cleaner and you also have to push a lever to make it work and it was very interesting. It was a very awesome day at the Faraday Centre and I hope you learnt more about forces. 


  1. the faraday centre was really fun. Olivia M

  2. Nice Picture look at Ally and Jessica's face, the faraday was really fun to.

