Wednesday 31 July 2013


On Friday the 12th of July Room 3 had a FUN DAY! We made pizza, we watched a movie and ate popcorn (the movie was called Flying Kiwi which was made in New Zealand , we got to dress up (As super freak…but I was a GEEK) and we brought electronics to school.
My favourite activities were ELECTRONICS and DRESS UP. I liked electronics because you got to play games like mine craft and you got to play with your friends and help them make things too. I liked the dress-up because I liked dressing up as a SUPER FREAK GEEK and seeing what my other friends looked like!!
When I was making the pizza it was like a chunk of cheese, ham, salami and more cheese to top it up a little. As Mrs Perry took the pizza down to the staff room to cook I was watching it .It was forming into a big bubble. When the pizza was cooked I walky talked Lily on Ava’s electronics and told her to tell Miss Perry it was ready then I enjoyed a yummy, warm, cheesy pizza. 


  1. Next time when your writing a story, make your writing bigger so i can read it


  2. Next time when your writing a story, make your writing bigger so i can read it

