Wednesday 31 July 2013


My mum, dad, brother and I all walked down a very busy street on a boiling hot 35 degree summer’s day to the Great Portland Street Underground Station. The underground station is a very big building where you go down what feels like a million steps plus a steep ramp to get to the underground. The underground is a underground train station. People go on these trains because it takes them to work quicker than normal trains. We went on the underground because we were on our way to another part of London, where Buckingham Palace the London Eye and a whole lot of other famous places and landmarks are.

“Hold me on to me so you don’t get lost.” Sighing I grabbed my dad’s t-shirt as we pushed our way through the busy London crowds. After a while when I asked my mum how much longer there was until we arrived at our first destination, Buckingham Palace I was told only 5 minutes. Yeah right. It felt like HOURS walking down Pall Mall, the street of the palace. Well, finally we arrived there and there weren't many people there. Strange. We soon found out why. Everybody was on their way to see the changing of the guards. The changing of the guards is a big ceremony when the guards change to different guards and the army plays their instruments and there’s a really big noise. And they do that every day!

At about 5 o’clock we went to a different underground station and started travelling back to Great Portland. The trains were so busy with people coming home from work that we were crammed in like sardines in almost every train. Finally we arrived back at Great Portland Street. We pushed our way back down the street to the youth hostel. We went in the lift all the way up to the 5 floor and into our room. Then we all fell asleep. London is really fun but definitely tiring!      


  1. Emily I hope you had a safe and happy trip in London ;) Dune

  2. Sounds like an awesome trip Emily I bet you had fun!!!
    :) Ella M

  3. I think your writing really captured the crowds, heat and bustle of London . Your writing brought back vivid memories of our trip. Dad

  4. Emily I hope you had alot of fun in London.
