Wednesday 31 July 2013

Fun Friday

SLLIIIPPP! I suddenly skidded into the splits position on the slippery mat. I was playing Twister with Maddy, Cate, Ava, Ella M and Emily T. It was only me and Madeline the end but as soon as I slipped and I landed, I had lost. We were going to play another game but the bell rang for morning tea. It felt like two bells were banging and bashing each other in my ears. BANG, BASH, BANG, BASH. The teacher came out to tell us to come inside. Once we were in the class and we were sitting in our seats she started telling us about what we were going to do after morning tea. The basketball people had to go to the basketball meeting and once we had finished we had to run back to start our pizza. I was making a pizza with Ava and Maddy. We were having pizza sauce for the base. Cheese, chicken, bacon strips and pineapple on top. Maddy had olives on hers. In the end we had to eat our pizza when we were monitoring. It was good getting our pizza but bad eating in front of people. It was a perfect fun Friday.

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