Wednesday 10 July 2013

So Close

A few weeks ago on Saturday my N.O.B.M rugby team played Tech on home ground.We had been on a massive losing streak all season so we tried to change that.

In the first half one of my team mates had been tackled to the ground. After the other backs and I had formed a back line Max passed the ball out to me. I found a huge gap in Tech's defense and ran. I was too busy looking at the try line so I didn't  notice someone come up and smash my leg. I was so surprised I lost the ball forward.

After that there was a scrum. I had come so close to scoring my first try of the season and it was our best game. My team lost 25:20. It was so close.       

1 comment:

  1. Your team has improved so much this season but needs to get more ball out to the backs. You showed so well what you could achieve when that happens when you played for Daniel's rugby team in Wellington. Good luck for next year.
