Thursday 11 July 2013

Survival Swimming in Clothes

3, 2, 1..! "Ahh!" I felt a whoosh of water swirl inside my clothes.  Immediately I started swimming.  Drowning more and more into the deep water like seaweed was tugging at my legs.  "Splash!"  It felt like I could hear thousands more people every second diving into the a million waves.  
Finally the end, the part of this whole bit I was dreading...  Pulling of my striped pants to see my togs underneath as my pants slowly started falling to the bottom.  Drowning more and more.  Trying to tread water while my head was bobbing up and down, going lower and lower to reach my pants.  Suddenly I pushed against the bottom of the pool and sprung back up like a dart. 
The activity had finished.  I pushed myself out of the pool, my top stuck to my togs as I rinsed out my pants. It felt like 100 buckets of water we hidden inside my stripped pants.  I sprinted to my bag, threw my towel over my back and started eating my lunch. It was by far the most challenging activity there for me!

By Cate 


  1. Sounds Like you had a good time Cate! :)Ella M

  2. it was really fun trying to swim in your clothes it was pretty hard though nice story. Olivia M
