Monday 8 July 2013

Survival Swimming

On Thursday the 27th of June room 3 went to Onekawa pools for a survival day. We learnt lots of cool things like how to use CPR and how hard it is to swim with long pants and a long top on. Swimming with long top and long pants on was a lot harder than I expect it. It’s like 3x more difficult than wearing normal togs. The main thing we learnt was how to save someone non- contact and contact. Non-contact is saving someone without touching them. Contact is when you save someone touching them. The best way to save someone is non-contact because if you use contact when you save someone you put your own life at risk. An example for a non-contact save is to throw a noodle at them so they can swim back to shore. The best part of the trip was getting a long free time and going on the slide. The people that taught us how to survive were Chi, Jill, Karen and Tracy.
Learng to save someone using non-contact. 

1 comment:

  1. That was a really awesome day.
    Sounds like you had fun.
    Ella M :)
