Tuesday 9 July 2013

Swimming In Clothes

"Splashhhhhh" My class were all at the Onekawa pools in Napier and we were all jumping in the water. Guess what? We weren't in our togs, we were in our clothes. When I dived into the water I felt like I was having a shower in my clothes and I thought I was going to drown. After that we had to do 2 lengths of the pool. After all that hard work we had to take our sticky clothes off. I had really skinny leggings on so it was even harder. I had to go under water and do it, then jiggle them off and I also had to take my top off under water as well. My friend Olivia had even tighter leggings on so people had to had to help her get them off.It was one of the most hardest things I'd ever done but it was hilarious. 



  1. Great writing Stella you are very great at writing

  2. Nice Pictures, It was actually quite hard swimming in clothes aye.
    Dune :)

  3. Nice Pictures, It was actually quite hard swimming in clothes aye.
    Dune :)

  4. Well done Stella, what a great experience to have and know what it's like, Dad
