Tuesday 27 August 2013

Koru art

A few weeks ago Room 3 started to work on Koru art with Mrs Perry.To inspire me to make the art work  I had to look at other people's work from a few years back and get the idea of how I could draw my koru art.

The materials we used were paper to draw on and for the border, pastels to colour, vivid to go around everything so that you can see the picture more and to make it stand out from  a distance, glue to stick the picture onto the border paper and scissors to cut out.

As we were making the Koru art work Mrs Perry was telling us who the famous Koru artist was. Her name is Raewyn Harris.She draws a lot of really cool art works and she makes them all stand out with different bright colours.

I liked making the Koru art because it was different to do and it was really fun with Mrs Perry.


  1. I think Raewyn Harris was a very good artist and I think you are a very good artist too, Dune :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your art work is really good Ally. Olivia

  4. Your art work is really good Ally. Olivia

  5. Really awesome artwork Ally. I really like your colours and patterns you used. Cate :)!

  6. I love your koru art its really colourful
    Ella M :)

  7. I love all of your art. Keep it going. Dad xx
