Tuesday 27 August 2013

Cross Country

A few weeks ago we started our school cross country training. We do circuit training, shuttle runs, fartlek training and school runs. 
In circuit training we do a mix of things to improve our stamina, speed and strength.
In shuttles we run back and forth across the court for a whole minute. I usually do thirteen or fourteen.
In fartlek you ran around the fields but when you get to a cone you sprint to the next. 
In the school runs you just run all around the school and get a dot when we pass Miss Cuthbert.
 I have really enjoyed doing training because I have got a lot better at my running. I think the best part about my run is that I am always able to give a great sprint at the end and I can always keep a steady pass all the way through. I am really looking forward to the actual cross country run because it is only in two more weeks and it is only two days before my birthday. Wish me good luck. :) 

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