Wednesday 28 August 2013

Koru art

Over the term we have been doing koru art with Mrs Perry. We used pastels, scissors, vivid, pencil, glue, and paper. Our inspiration was Raewyn Harris and Laina - Melika’s sister. We did it by filling the page with koru, leaves and patterns. We coloured it with the pastels and then we blended them together. After that we cut it out and put it on a black piece of circle paper. The koru only belongs to New Zealand. It represents a new beginning and is an opening of a fern frond. 


  1. I really like all your colours Maddy.

  2. I think this is cool Madeline. Well done Mum

  3. That picture is really good Maddy I love it.Olivia M

  4. Your blending and colour choosing looks really good. Ava
