Wednesday 30 October 2013


As I walked onto the stage everyone was looking at us, the zombies. It was so dark and I was so nervous. I was so scared but then the zombie shuffle started playing. I had to dance in front of 940 PEOPLE!!!!! I did not want to dance, I wanted to go home and watch TV but I couldn't,  I had to dance. In the dance the worst part was shuffling. I really hated shuffling and the chorus was really bad, I didn't like it. I did like looking like a zombie because we looked really weird and funny. My make up is heavy moisturiser and talcum powder and eyeliner
That is me on the right.
Finally it was over and I could go backstage till scene 3. I didn't really like it but at least my mum and dad did. 


  1. I really liked the zombies ion the production. And they looked really pail.
    from Sam Harding

  2. Thats Cool I Loved The Zombies In The Production! Luca Room 5
