Wednesday 30 October 2013

The big night

"It was today, it really was".
I was pretty nervous and the production was starting in... "5 MINUTES", I yelled in my mind".
The first line was said then a little while later it was our turn.
The horns blew for the king and the fiddlers came on.
Our production was about nursery rhyme characters all squished into one play with a few extras like: Zombies, Captain Boredom and Sarge. They were main characters along with  King Cole, Willie Winkie, Mother Goose and Goosey and Humpty Dumpty and Private Starch (part of the Zombie army),  Little Bo Peep, Owl and Jack and Jill.
Here are pics of our dress rehearsal:
That's Sarge

 make-up preparation for Zombies

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