Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Production

On the 23rd of October we did our school production. We did loads of different acts and the theme was nursery rhymes. Our class were zombies we had white talcum powder all over our faces dark black eyes and the blackest black on our lips. Our costumes were T-shirts, track pants and sneakers.

Our hair was wild. I've already done a post on my hair but if you missed it my mum teased it like there was no tomorrow and I looked like Frankenstein wife.

We had to put baby powder in our hair and it got more in my eyes than in my hair. My eyes were watering like a waterfall.

I loved the production. It was amazing but when I walked on stage I felt like I was going to faint. I saw 900 faces in the distance and I was freaking out. Then I spotted Mrs Perry and my nerves started to ease.

When It was finished I let out a huge sigh of relief. Then I waited ages till I finally found my mum. I jumped down from the huge stage and squeezed my way through the crowds of pushing and shoving people.When we got outside we both ran to the car and jumped in. When we got home I ran to the bathroom and started scrubbing my make up off and the cloth was black by the time I finished.

I loved the production - it was really fun and I am looking forward to further productions at Intermediate and at High School.  


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