Sunday 16 June 2013

Faraday Centre

On Tuesday room 3 went to the Faraday Centre. At the Faraday Centre we learnt about forces and what a force is. A force is a push or a pull.

Jenny also told us about the gravity. She said that gravity is always pulling you down. and that when you jump you don't stay up for long because gravity pulls you back down.

While room 3 was at the Faraday Centre we did some activities. All the activities involved forces. One of the activities I enjoyed was the wind force because you had to try figure out the temperature with a thermometre  and write it down on your sheet.

The hardest activity for me was making the bridge because you had to make sure that the middle block was in the exact right spot or the bridge would fall.


  1. cool picture it was preatty hard :)

    1. thanks Lily :) And yeah it was pretty hard

  2. Nice photo Ally, That was pretty hard aye but really fun!

