Monday 28 October 2013

Stupid microphone boxes

I walk onto the cold dark stage for scene four when His Humpship blows his yellow whistle. Okay, I know you don’t want a copy of the script so let’s fast forward so you can understand what the title means.
 Let’s start here where Mother Goose says, “I think we need an ambassador.” “Is that important?” “Yes very important.” “Do they get a cap and a badge?” “Something much better you can have you can have.” Okay you get the picture… here is where I come in with my line cutting of owl  saying, “YOU CAN HAVE THE MAYORS CHAIN” I say that while  walking over to Humpty Dumpty who is the mayor.
 Here is where everything went wrong. I took Humpty Dumpty’s mayor's chain and gave it to Goosey, It was when I walked back to my spot that everything went wrong. 
Have a guess what happened… Yep the microphone box fell out and that’s why I don’t like microphone boxes. The other  reason I don't like them is that I was on stage and I didn't know what to do and everyone noticed. 
Any way maybe it will be better next time.J

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