Monday 28 October 2013

Time To Start

Wee Willie Winkie calls the town  in.
'1 minute guys!' said Mrs Floden.
It was Wednesday night. Almost 7:00. Almost time to start the production. I was first on and I was getting goose bumps. What if I mucked up? What if I said the wrong line? All these thoughts were making me nervous.
'Okay guys, in positions!'
No. I'm not ready! I'm not ready! But I had to. I was standing on the stage, I had my costume and I knew my lines. It was now or never.
I could see Mrs Bauerfeind at the side of the stage. She started pulling the curtain up. Slowly. Slowly. Then 'BOOM'. I could see every face just looking at us. I couldn't stop smiling at how many people showed up to watch us, but Owl enters, says her line and the music starts. 'ONCE UPON A TIME.' As soon as the song finishes Owl says her second line and then it's my turn to call everyone in. Peter Piper says her line to start. Then it's Tucker. Then Spruika. Then me. I walk forward to the middle and say my line as I go.
'See saw at Margery Daws. See saw at Margery Daws.' My costumers come forward. I give them their toy windmills and walk to my second spot.  I said to myself, Yes! I did it! I did it! 

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