Sunday 24 November 2013

Optimist Yachting

On Monday the 11th of November the first group of 2013 optimist yachters went down to Pandora Pond. First of all we got changed, got our life jackets on and sat by the flag. We had a little talk about the wind and then Miss Cuthbert told us to check our yachts and once its checked sail from island to shore for about twenty minutes. My partner was Oliver W and he is a really good sailor and he made us go really fast. We came first apart from Nick because he is too good. There was a really cool challenge near the end and me and Ollie sat behind a letter like everybody else and Ms Perry took them to the island and we had to sail to the island and look in the pile for our letter and sail back to shore.  Ollie and I came second and Nick came first but he is good and he was by himself so he goes way faster.
Nick Coming To Shore

Wednesday 30 October 2013


As I walked onto the stage everyone was looking at us, the zombies. It was so dark and I was so nervous. I was so scared but then the zombie shuffle started playing. I had to dance in front of 940 PEOPLE!!!!! I did not want to dance, I wanted to go home and watch TV but I couldn't,  I had to dance. In the dance the worst part was shuffling. I really hated shuffling and the chorus was really bad, I didn't like it. I did like looking like a zombie because we looked really weird and funny. My make up is heavy moisturiser and talcum powder and eyeliner
That is me on the right.
Finally it was over and I could go backstage till scene 3. I didn't really like it but at least my mum and dad did. 

The big night

"It was today, it really was".
I was pretty nervous and the production was starting in... "5 MINUTES", I yelled in my mind".
The first line was said then a little while later it was our turn.
The horns blew for the king and the fiddlers came on.
Our production was about nursery rhyme characters all squished into one play with a few extras like: Zombies, Captain Boredom and Sarge. They were main characters along with  King Cole, Willie Winkie, Mother Goose and Goosey and Humpty Dumpty and Private Starch (part of the Zombie army),  Little Bo Peep, Owl and Jack and Jill.
Here are pics of our dress rehearsal:
That's Sarge

 make-up preparation for Zombies

The Production

On the 23rd of October we did our school production. We did loads of different acts and the theme was nursery rhymes. Our class were zombies we had white talcum powder all over our faces dark black eyes and the blackest black on our lips. Our costumes were T-shirts, track pants and sneakers.

Our hair was wild. I've already done a post on my hair but if you missed it my mum teased it like there was no tomorrow and I looked like Frankenstein wife.

We had to put baby powder in our hair and it got more in my eyes than in my hair. My eyes were watering like a waterfall.

I loved the production. It was amazing but when I walked on stage I felt like I was going to faint. I saw 900 faces in the distance and I was freaking out. Then I spotted Mrs Perry and my nerves started to ease.

When It was finished I let out a huge sigh of relief. Then I waited ages till I finally found my mum. I jumped down from the huge stage and squeezed my way through the crowds of pushing and shoving people.When we got outside we both ran to the car and jumped in. When we got home I ran to the bathroom and started scrubbing my make up off and the cloth was black by the time I finished.

I loved the production - it was really fun and I am looking forward to further productions at Intermediate and at High School.  


The production

When the curtain finally went upI was nervous. I could see the faces of 930 people!
 When it had started there was no way back. After the Curtain had gone up everyone started singing Once upon a Time. After the song we went back stage to sing the Zombie Shuffle. When we were backstage we could see the whole thing on the mini TV screen. 
After a short while I was back on the stage singing the Rain Song.  It seemed to be worth all the practices that we have done at school and that morning at the theatre, because all the parents clapped and cheered most of the way through the production. After about two hours it was finally over. 
Now I just had to go and find my parents in the chaos. 
Me as Little Boy Blue

The actual production night

This is the night the real production! We were all standing on the stage terrified. Stella, Ally and I were all looking at each other nervously. Mrs Floden said to us "10 seconds".The curtain came up we all had to be frozen but my legs were shaking like mad. When the curtains were right up we all started randomly laughing.  I was so scared but I knew if I just did the right thing it would be alright.
I looked at the audience. I couldn't see my mum, all I could see was the really bright projector light. We were under way. We survived half of scene one. It didn't seem that freaky until...  It was Stella and my turn! We only had a small line but it was really freaky. "Ready" I said to Stella,  Stella nodded anxiously.  SSSh said Mrs B, your microphone will be on soon. 
"OK this is my line. you can do this." I said in my head.
"Make it brief Owlie” said Humpty. That's our cue...  “HEY LOOK AT THIS!!!”  we both yelled together.

Me & Stella practising 

Stella and I as Jack & Jill


It was time for the performance of a year as my Mum drives me to the Municipal Theater on Wednesday night. My friends are Wee Willy Winky as Guy and Wilf as a fiddler. As I get my makeup done as a zombie I wonder how the production is gone to be like "Is it gone to be good or bad." As I walk onto the stage I put my head down and........ "NOW DIG THIS." I put my head back up and do the zombie shuffle. When that's done and I walk off stage I say to my self "One act down two more acts to go."
me as a zombie
my friend Guy as wee willy winky